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Felter's Responses to the Olathe Chamber of Commerce Survey


Thanks to the Olathe Chamber of Commerce for helping voters understand the positions of the candidates offering to represent them on the City Council.

Attached is a link to the responses from the local Olathe City Council candidates.

We ask voters to take note of the lack of response from Mr. Janner, our opponent, on critical questions 14, 15, 16, & 17.

Mr. Janner's responses to questions 14, 15, 16 & 17 on the Olathe Chamber of Commerce Survey.

Here are Mrs. Felter's Responses to these questions that Mr. Janner was unwilling to answer:

14. As the City considers future development and redevelopment projects, describe your views on how the City should best manage and balance growth? (100 words or less) Managing a growing city like Olathe in ways that support and drive economic growth while safeguarding resources and maintaining our competitiveness requires intentional management of growth and redevelopment. Targeted public-sector investment may be required to attract business to Olathe. Olathe should forge connections between businesses, investors, and talent by by holding regular conversations with industry leaders and citizens. We need to foster a culture of growth in Olathe with the City embracing development that takes into account regional growth and cooperation of surrounding municipalities and regional service providers. We must be flexible.

15. What is your philosophy on the role the City should play in terms of metro-area issues? (100 words or less) Good city leaders must be regionally minded, working together with the cooperation of surrounding municipalities. Without a regional mindset there will likely be local competition and conflict, over-investment or under-investment in infrastructure due to silo thinking, and confusion over roles and responsibilities. Olathe has a long tradition of working in collaboration with metro area municipalities.

16. What do you believe the takeaways for the City should be, if any, from the COVID-19 pandemic experience? (100 words or less) The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us with many valuable lessons. The pandemic has shown us that: - We must be flexible, innovative. and creative problem solvers. -Effective communication is critical for communities experiencing stress. -Coordination of effort is key in an emergency. -We must be financially prepared for the unknown. -We can work from anywhere. -Infrastructure matters. -Isolation isn't good for human beings. -Mental health matters as much as physical health. -One person can make a difference. Most of all, the common theme I take away from the pandemic is that Olatheans LOVE one another and we care.

17. What do you believe are the greatest challenges the City faces over the next ten years and how would you address them? (100 words or less) Our greatest challenges: 1. Access to quality employees and the skills gap. 2. Economic development 3. Affordable housing and homelessness 4. Infrastructure and strategic land use 5. Budgets 6. Public Safety While it's hard to go into specifics on what I believe the solutions/strategies to address these challenges are, in 100 words or less, my long track record of sensible policy making should speak volumes about my ability to handle the broad range of challenges facing our great City. We must have the right strategies in place to navigate these challenges and the right team on the ground to implement plans.


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